Press Release Summary: Share COM ports between several applications or vice versa to join dataflow of several COM port devices to one application.
Press Release Body: Following customers' wishes FabulaTech has released the updated version of COM Port Splitter having fixed and resolved shared port frequent opening and COM ports joining via command line. Program user interface has been considerably improved to meet all the high quality standards of the user comfort.
COM Port Splitter user overview:
-User-friendly program interface. -Hot virtual COM port creation. No reboot is required. - The program can be controlled using command-line.
Main Port Splitter operation features include:
COM port splitter. This feature allows to create virtual COM ports that are the exact copies of specified physical serial ports. All the data written to physical serial port get to all virtual COM ports. Data written to a virtual COM port get to physical serial port.
COM port sharing. Enables work with the same COM port without splitting it to several different virtual serial ports.
Join COM ports. The program creates virtual serial port and forwards serial data from it to several physical COM ports so that the same data is written to several physical COM port from one application.
Sometimes it is necessary to limit access to a COM port for several applications (e.g. some programs are to only read data from the COM port and some programs need full access to the COM port). COM Port Splitter supports such mechanism.
The program can be downloaded at